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Some of the work carried out by your local NPT

Yesterday officers from Shipley Neighbourhood policing team conducted a multi agency operation alongside Steerside Enforcement Team, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Bradford Council hackney carriage Licensing team and two officers from West Yorkshire Police - Specials.

Throughout the day a large number of vehicles were checked and the results from this are:-

30 Traffic offence reports (not wearing seatbelts, using a phone whilst driving, no insurance and cord exposed on tyres)

3 x vehicles seized for no insurance.

5 x Taxi licenses suspended (Incorrect signage, and vehicle defects) a large number of taxi's were compliant. 

1 x Scaffolding van prohibited from leaving until some of the scaffolding was removed due to being over the permitted weight limit.


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Message Sent By
Tony Goodchild
(West Yorkshire Police, PCSO, Bradford District - Shipley NPT)

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