Dear Resident, Following complaints and concerns from local residents and the wider community about anti-social behaviour and drug taking / dealing at Marshway House and surrounding streets in College Grove, officers from Wakefield NPT have set up a task force, working with partner agencies to tackle these issues.
Earlier today, a high visibility operation saw thirty police officers from Wakefield Central NPT East and specialist units, alongside ASB officers from WMDC and staff from Riverside and Turning Point in a day of action. Together they conducted room sweeps, looking for; anyone who was banned from the premises, unauthorised guests, signs of drug use / drug dealing and weapons. This was also an intelligence gathering exercise resulting in several pieces of intelligence which have been forwarded to our divisional intelligence unit for developing.
A number of people were escorted off the premises, one arrest was made and drugs were seized. In addition, WMDC ASB officers are now preparing injunctions for a number of people.
In the coming weeks and months, we will be working closely with staff at Marshway House and our partner agencies and a number of plans are in place to make this area a safer place for everyone.
Wakefield District NPT would like to send out a strong message that criminality and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated onsite at Marshway House or in the local area.