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Off Road Motorbike information request.

We’re reaching out to residents of the Wakefield District to better understand the challenges you’re facing in your communities.


If you have any concerns about off-road or nuisance bikes in your area, we encourage you to share them with us by replying to this message. Please provide as much detail as possible, including addresses, names, dates, and times. This information will greatly assist our officers in addressing the issue effectively.


Rest assured, your response will only be visible to the Off-Road Bike officers and Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) officers. All information shared will be treated with the utmost confidence.


Remember, if a crime is in progress, always call 999 immediately or report via                  


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Thank you for helping us make Wakefield a safer place for everyone.

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Message Sent By
Phil Venning
(West Yorkshire Police, PC, Wakefield District - Off Road Bike Team)

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