Good Morning Resident
This week is sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week.
To increase awareness about this important topic our neighbourhood and patrol teams will be visiting high schools, conducting contact points in high footfall areas - like shops and transport hubs, and patrolling areas where we have a night time economy.
Useful tools that we will be promoting are - Ask for Angela https://askforangela.co.uk/advice/ Streetsafe https://www.police.uk/pu/notices/streetsafe/street-safe/ Walk safe https://walksafe.io/
Also for your information - In and around Calderdale there are designated safe spaces. The safe places scheme highlights public places where there is a safe haven and individuals who are in distress, being harassed, bullied or are feeling unwell can seek support. The list of safe spaces can be found here https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/communities/crime-prevention/safe-places-scheme
In West Yorkshire Police we have a Safer Travel Team which has been set up in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to have a joint approach within bus stations, bus stops, and on the buses/bus network. The aims of this team are - Reduce violent crime, Reduce anti-social behaviour, Protect women and girls (VAWG) and Protect the young and vulnerable.
Thank you
Sgt Law | ||||
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