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Middleton & Belle Isle NPT Late night patrols

NPT Middleton & Belle Isle have been on lates the last couple of nights, working an extended shift into the early hours of the morning in hope of tackling late night antisocial behaviour along with Burglaries and vehicle crime.


Officers last night encountered a male riding this  bike which had been adapted to convert it into an illegal mechanically propelled vehicle and riding dangerously.


Failing to see our officers, officers seized and opportunity to detain the male. Subsequent search located an amount of cannabis. The rider has been reported for driving with no licence, no insurance and reported for possession of cannabis. The vehicle has been seized under 165 of the road traffic act


Later last night officers attention was drawn to the 4 occupants of this vehicle, who were driving around the local residential estates, they became spooked when officers sighted them and tried making an escape, failing to do so by car they tried their luck on foot. Officers quickly detained one of the males, A search of the vehicle located tools potentially used for vehicle crime. Vehicle was seized, enquiries ongoing to identify outstanding males. #NPT #southleeds

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Message Sent By
Daniel Ryder
(West Yorkshire Police, SGT, Leeds District - Leeds South NPT, Inner)

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