The Police
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PACT - Meeting : Tue 04 Feb 18:00


Dear Resident


We will be holding a Police and Communities meeting/surgery at the below location, at the time and date shown. PC Robinson and PCSO Blessington will be attending to answer any questions or concerns within your area.


This is your opportunity to raise any concerns you may have and to find out what we are doing to tackle the issues that matter to you. 


Everyone is welcome and please share this message with anyone that you feel would benefit from attendance by using the share button below. 


## Please note that attendance at the above event point is subject to emergency call demand at the time, and therefore attendance cannot be guaranteed in advance. If we cannot attend and you need to speak to an Officer urgently, please dial 101. ##


PACT - Meeting
When & Where is it?
Tue 04 Feb 2025 18:00
Morrisons, 4 Jubilee Way

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Message Sent By
Craig Robinson
(West Yorkshire police, PC, Calderdale District - Valley NPT)

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