The Police
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Attempt Shed Break-in - Beech Road

Dear Resident


On 8th December between 10.45pm and 11pm two unknown males entered the garden at a property on Beech Road, BD6 and approached the garden shed. They tried to pry off the lock using a post from a football net in the garden. Homeowner has seen the males on her ring doorbell and shouted at them to leave. They made off in the direction of Larch Hill.


There's lots of information on our website to help you secure your home/sheds and garage including advice on lock standards. Please see the links below for your information:

Sheds and Garage Crime Prevention Advice - https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/advice/home-security/home-security/shed-and-garage-security


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Message Sent By
Jackie Watson
(West Yorkshire Police, Neighbourhood Support Officer, Bradford District - Bradford South)

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