The Police
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Garage Burglary - Wellfield Gardens

Dear Resident


On 6th December between 2am and 5am someone broke into a garage at a property on Wellfield Gardens, Queensbury by forcing open the up and over door causing the mechanism to warp. They stole a number of power and hand tools and made off with them unseen.

If you have any CCTV or ring doorbell footage of anything suspicious between these times please respond to this message or contact us by email at bradfordsouthnt@westyorkshirepolice.co.uk


There's lots of information on our website to help you secure your home/sheds and garage including advice on lock standards. Please see the links below for your information:

Sheds and Garage Crime Prevention Advice - https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/advice/home-security/home-security/shed-and-garage-security



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Message Sent By
Jackie Watson
(West Yorkshire Police, Neighbourhood Support Officer, Bradford District - Bradford South)

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