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Crossgates and Whinmoor Community Contact Point

Crossgates and Whinmoor residents, we have announced further community contact point dates at the Crossgates and Whinmoor Community Hub and Library until October 2025.

The contact points will be held on Wednesday mornings between 10:30 – 12:00 hours, every three weeks and all dates can be accessed in the below poster or by visiting our events and meetings page at: www.westyorkshire.police.uk/my-neighbourhood/leeds/leeds-east/events

We have scheduled contact point reminders, and the email alerts will be sent one week prior to each contact point to keep you updated.

Come along, meet the team, and raise any concerns you have in the community you live or work.



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Message Sent By
Natalie Smith
(Police, District Neighbourhood Support Officer, Leeds District - East Leeds Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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