The Police
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Keep children safe this summer

Dear parents / carers


As we approach the school holidays and with the summer just around the corner, we would like to ask you to speak to the children / youths in your care about keeping safe and out of trouble:


Remind them to:


Stay out of abandoned buildings - it only takes one wrong foot for things to go wrong.


Stay safe and stay out of open water – cold water kills.


Stay out of trouble – anti-social behaviour, arson, criminality; don’t follow peer pressure, if it feels wrong, walk away. Lighting fires may seem like a good idea at the time but consider the dangers – even lighting a small fire in a park or woodland can have disastrous consequences, don’t do it.


Talk to your children, have a discussion, let’s all help to keep children safe and let them enjoy a happy summer. 


You can report anti-social behaviour to us via our website Report it | West Yorkshire Police or you can ring 101 but always 999 in an emergency or where a crime is ongoing.





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Message Sent By
Tina Wheater
(West Yorkshire Police, District Neighbourhood Support Officer, Wakefield District)

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