The Police
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Protecting You Mobile Phone

Thousands of mobile phones are stolen each year, help us to help you keep yours safer and reduce the risk of being a victim.


Only make essential calls in the street. Using a mobile phone in a busy area advertises the fact that you have a piece of valuable property and while talking on the phone you are distracted and not aware of who might be watching you or who might be a potential thief. Use them out of public view and somewhere where you can see what it happening around you.


Many mobile phones are stolen in places like pubs and nightclubs when they are left on a bar, table or on a nearby seat. Open handbags also prove tempting for thieves, as do carried rucksacks, coats left hanging on chairs and phones left unattended in vehicles and other places.


For further information on protecting your phone, please visit: Protecting Your Mobile Phone | West Yorkshire Police


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Message Sent By
Faye Greenwood
(Police, Coordinator, Kirklees District Huddersfield NPT)

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